Our Services
We serve you by:
Offering you a choice of alternative approaches to reach a goal that are sensitive to your situation.
Using plain words, sketches and examples to get around the industry lingo and help you understand exactly what needs to happen with your project and why.
Dealing with you honestly and giving freely of advice that will assist you in decision making.
Having respect for your wishes and working to make your vision a reality.
Promoting a friendly and supportive atmosphere of collaboration where you can be comfortable coming to us with any concern or idea.
Thinking "out of the box" about your project and coming to you with solutions and ideas that meet your needs and offer the best possible value.
Always having an eye toward functionality in even the smallest detail to ensure your satisfaction with the end result.
Facilitating the permitting and construction processes by ensuring your documents are accurate and complete, and working with building officials to get your application processed as quickly as possible.
Being your guide to the procurement process including: planning, identifying potential bidders, bidding, choosing a contract and using it to your best advantage, awarding the contract, managing the contract, contractor performance, releasing holdbacks and closing the project.
Being your expert representative when working through special requests such as minor variance, re-zoning or site plan approval processes.
Giving you exceptional value for your investment.

Our Services Include:
Conceptual Design
Design Development
Construction Review
Warranty Review
Building Code Compliance Studies
Site Planning
Building Reuse Studies
Interior Design and Space Planning
Life Safety Audits (Fire Code)
Fire Safety Plans (Fire Code)
Feasibility Studies
Rezoning/Minor Variance Services
Pre-development Consulting
3D Rendering